Friday, August 14, 2009

Whhhooaaa - Long time no post huh?

Well now, I see I didn't post ONE single new thing in July... that's crazy.

I have lots now, so that should make up for it.

I got very sick after the Devil Race and stayed sick for quite some time. Two things were going on though. I was sick from being in the heat for so long, but my body was also starting a rejection of sweet dairy. I found this out for sure when I hit Jersey on vacay. Every time I had even a small piece of cake or ice cream, I threw up. I have to admit though - this isn't such a bad thing! It keeps me totally in check and I'm healthier for it.

I got to Jersey and my Garmin 305 was already there waiting for me! I was so stoked to try it out. I went out running the first morning and WOOHOOO! I found out on that trip that I am a runner... I really am. I set it for 12 minute miles and flew by that.... I then set it for 11 minute miles the next day and flew by that too! I was hitting 10-11 minute miles, and even down in the 7-8 minutes at some points through my miles. I wasn't gasping for air, I wasn't feeling like I'd pass out at any moment... I was running and I was completely enjoying it. I wanted to just go forever. Up and down the cracked sidewalk, under trees, in the rain, through the cemetery, by fields of flowers.... I just wanted to see it all and I wanted to see it by running. God made such a gorgeous world. I did as much running as I could in our 2 weeks there. And I also ran a 5k race for cancer - which BTW ended up being THE hottest day there - go figure. I thought I did ok... not my best but I met my goal to stay under 11 minute mile average overall. Welllll...... I got home to Vegas and a few days ago I got a big envelope in the mail from the organization. It was a certificate for placing 3rd in my age group!!! I know that may sound blaze to some of you ultra runners, but to ME, little ol' me who is just hoping to beat her last PR - that is HUGE!

I have the Camp Yuba Tri Sept 12th and we're so excited to go camping! I'm so in the mood for a laid back fun triathlon with all my fam there. In Jersey, my whole crew came - hubby, kids, in-laws, nieces, nephew.... and having them cheer me on throughout the race was SUCH awesome motivation. I can't wait to have my honey and kids there for this one too. It's more exciting when you know people are waiting for you to cross the finish line.

Then I'm on a team for the Ragnar Relay October 10th. I'm really nervously stoked about this one. I'm training hard but I'm nervous having other people depend on me. It really helps that my teammates seem chill and fun.

I volunteered for the Area 51 midnight race ( That was SOOO neat. I will most definitely run that race next year. Maybe a half, or just a 10k, but most certainly something! If you didn't run it, you really should look into it for next year. It's such a fun to-do race!

I'm hitting it hard on Power90. P90X was a little time consuming for us right now. Dh and I are both doing it together. I've been majorly TurboJamming and whatever else I felt like doing. But now that vacations are over and we're steady at home (other than races), I'm ready for a full on regimen. It's day 3 and I'm going really strong. My 30-day pic will be at the Yuba Tri and the 60-day pic will be at the Ragnar relay. I can't wait to post 'em!

That's all for now! Thanks for reading, if you did :o)

1 comment:

robison52 said...

Great to see you back and running! Sorry about you getting sick from the heat, you probably needed the rest as well.

I LOVE my Garmin 305...I've named my Garmin training partner "Garfield," what are you going to call yours?

Congrats for placing third in your age group...I sure it'll be the first award among many!!