Friday, May 15, 2009

Slim In 6 - Day One

Today I officially became a BeachBody Coach and will have my site up by wednesday hopefully! Thank you Paula :o)

Tonight I tied out Slim In 6. First of all, there are 2 DVDs. One DVD has the "Start It Up" and Ramp It Up" then the second DVD has "Burn It Up". My plan was to Start It Up for week 1 and then Ramp It Up for week 2 and 3. Then I plan on alternating Ramp It Up and Burn It Up for week 4 to ease into the last and hardest DVD. I will then stay on Burn It Up for week 4-6.

However, that plan changed a bit tonight after trying out the first DVD. I guess from all the training I've been doing, a lot of muscles are strong and the first DVD was a bit slow/easy. Tomorrow I'll try Ramp It Up, which I took a peek at and I think the tempo is a bit faster with a lot of the same moves so it seems right up my alley! For anyone just starting out, Start It Up is REALLY good though, so I really recommend it before heading into Ramp It Up.

My arms hurt like crazy because yesterday I lifted weights... I didn't think I had done much but WOW they are sore today, so I see that as a good sign that I actually did work some muscles. Then the DVD had me doing a bunch of arm movements and I was about to cry LOL

Oh... and I took my Day One photo....EEK! All I can say is that I'm the poster child for "If she can do a triathlon, ANYONE can" and I should be on the front cover of the "Slow Fat Triathlete" book LOL

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