Sunday, November 9, 2008


The Silverman was today here in Vegas...technically in Henderson. And as I drove my way to church, I saw some runners going by. I got so amped! I can't wait to do this. I can't wait to start seeing my endurance skills build up. I can't believe one day that I'll be one of those runners! Well, in a Sprint, not a Silverman...not yet at least.

I really have so much faith.

I want to start helping at the stations for triathlons, I think seeing the athletes out there every so often will keep me motivated.

As for training - I'm sad to report that I didn't get anything in today. Matt's brother and his family were in town and they came over after church until matt left for work. I did notice a difference in my appetite for the past couple days, it's gown down. I hope that's a good sign that my body is regulating, but I'm sure as I start training more consistently I will see more fluctuation.

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