Sunday, October 18, 2009

Day 6 & 7 - Saturday & Sunday

Saturday - cross train.
I didn't get to do anything. It was an incredibly busy day of soccer, halloween costumes, and church dedication. My poor honey only got about an hour of sleep :o( But I was busy, not just home sitting on the couch.

Sunday - LONG RUN!
Yay! I got my first long run finished. It was just 4 miles, but it's the most I've done in a loooooong time. I'll run 2 or 3 miles for days in a row, but never push it over to 4.

7:45 am
4 miles
total time - 46:23
No wind, hot sun, about 65 degrees

I struggled at the begining of this run. I usually feel like running, but this morning I didn't. Maybe it was the anxiety of running 4 miles. I knew I could do it, I just didn't know how long it would take me. I also had that morning throat scratchiness. Lots of hacking, coughing and spitting. I wasn't very lady-like out there this morning for the first mile.

After about 1.5 -2 miles, I found a pace, a rhythm, and felt great. I zig-zagged through neighborhoods so I didn't have to go too far from home.

Finished my last 1.5 miles stronger than any other part of the 4 miles.

Now I'm looking forward to next week's long run!

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