Monday, October 12, 2009

12 week countdown - Day 1 - Half Marathon Training

Today was the beginning of the 12-week countdown for my first half marathon. Basically, crunch time for training. I'm using Hal Higdon's Novice plan. I have no other races planned from now until then. Maybe a little Turkey Trot 5k on Thanksgiving with my oldest son, but nothing train-worthy or intense. It's so insane that a 5k is a fun run now with no training needed! Oh how much things can change in just 6 months!

The first 1/2 marathon is Running From an Angel set for January 9, 2010.

Monday: yoga & stretching (my hip flexors thank you Hal Higdon!)
Tuesday: run
Wednesday: cross train & short run
Thursday: run & strength
Friday: rest day
Saturday: cross train
Sunday: long run

Everyday I look forward more and more to running. The weather is cooling down and the sun isn't so strong in the evening anymore. I really thought I lost my mojo over the summer, but it was just the heat. The heat is crazy here! As it's cooling down, I find myself getting chills just thinking about running. Now that's more like it!

So today I began with Yoga, stretching and some upper body work. Life is good :o)

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